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Is this you?

Do you wake up tired, facing the frantic rush to get everyone ready for school and work, overwhelmed and stressed before the day even begins?

Do you sometimes feel anxious at work, doubting your decisions and feel at times mired in self-doubt? On the outside you may appear to have it all together, but inside, you are worried if you're truly competent in your job.

At the end of a long day, do you feel guilty and self-critical for half-listening to your kid when they are excitedly telling you about their day because your mind was still solving problems from work?

In the evening, on more days than you'd like do you find yourself feeling like you are barely holding on, trying to avoid snapping at your kids and partner during dinner and bedtime? Do you wish for a moment to relax, but often find yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone instead of connecting or nourishing yourself?

Imagine If…

You woke up rested and eager to start the day. With a cup of coffee in hand and a quiet moment to yourself, you feel calm and connected, ready to greet your kids with a big hug and smoothly transition out the door.
Imagine feeling energized by work challenges, eager to learn new skills, and embracing your gifts and strengths. During your restorative lunch break, you're confident and grateful for the value you bring to your work.

You were able to savor those small moments with your kids (reading in bed, hearing about their day, holding them when they are upset) with your full presence and attention.
 In the evening you had energy for your kids and partner. You're excited to connect with each of them, sharing the joys and struggles of the day. Dinner and bedtime become treasured rituals, occasional challenges and all. After the kids are in bed, you have the focus and peace to enjoy a good book or uninterrupted conversations with your partner.

“I really can’t say enough good things about Jennifer. Her biggest attribute is her phenomenal ability to listen and summarize in a nonjudgmental way to illuminate my thoughts and feelings. Her approach doesn’t stop at listening, she is focused on results and I’ve improved quickly! Her kind, warm, goal-oriented approach has already made me a better mother, a doctor, wife and a human being. Thank you, Jennifer!”
- Tyra Fainstad, MD

The best time to start thriving in your life is now!

Learn how by booking a free session

Hi, I'm Jennifer Erwin

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I've been there, right in the midst of the relentless juggling act that defines the life of a high-achieving working mom. I'm a mother, a homeschooling parent, and a former burnt-out teacher who embarked on the path of entrepreneurship. Today, I'm proud to call myself a women's empowerment coach. As a mom, I pour my heart into parenting, and I understand the deep love for our families. But I'm also someone who thrives in my coaching work, and I know the struggle of attempting to "balance it all" only to sometimes feel like I'm failing spectacularly.

It took me many years to uncover the tools, the mental resilience and most importantly, the connection with myself, that finally allowed me to end the day feeling fulfilled, calm, and confident in my choices.

Today I love supporting other working moms banish the stress, overwhelm and the constant feeling of not measuring up. Through my coaching and classes, I offer a proven, holistic approach to reclaiming a life that feels not just balanced but truly fulfilling. It's about living a life that aligns with your deepest values and brings you genuine joy.

If you're ready to rewrite your story and rediscover your true self amidst the chaos of modern life, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Welcome to a journey of empowerment, fulfillment, and a life you'll love living!

                 If this resonates with you, and you're eager for a positive change in your life...

Reserve your free consultation with me and unlock the path to transforming burnout into lasting balance, so you can truly savor every aspect of the life you've created..

In this complimentary 45-minute call, we'll dive into:

  • Uncovering the unique patterns and challenges that have been fueling your stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion.

  • Visualizing where you truly want to be, how you want to feel, and what that will bring to your life.

  • Exploring practical steps to start moving from burnout to a thriving balance.

Let's take the first step toward a revitalized life together!

Book Your Free Breakthrough Session Today
 Coaching with Jennifer has been life-changing for me. I am able to prioritize what is most important in my life and still make time for rest. It has changed the way I view my own thoughts, and I am much kinder to myself. It has made me a better mom, friend, and doctor. ”
- Megan M, MD
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